Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A perfect moment...

I have a confession to make. If you have stumbled upon this entry by pure happenstance, you may wish to avert your eyes, as the words I am about to type may indeed taint your impression of yours-truly. So here goes. I admit it. I am a Star Trek junkie.

There. I've said it. But I'm not just any Start Trek junkie...I'm much too picky. I started with the Next Generation; it was my "gateway" Start Trek. I dabbled in Deep Space Nine for awhile, but was able to kick the Trek addiction for awhile. But then it happened. And I just couldn't help it. Last summer, I secretly ordered the entire Voyager series from the internet (I'm not entirely sure about the legality of the transaction either, as the company was based over-seas and I only spent like $150 for the entire thing...maybe it's best not to think about that just now).

My partner wasn't entirely impressed with this purchase. But, as with many addicts, I knew if I could get him to watch just one episode, then he too would be hooked and I would not have to enjoy my Start Trek fixes alone. And boy was I right. Thank goodness for summer break - otherwise our lesson plans may have included activities such as "Klingon Lessons" and "A History of the Alpha Quadrant". But I digress just a little bit.

I am also a huge fan of the Next Generation-based motion pictures. In high school, I actually stood in line on a school night to see the midnight showing of Generations on opening night (and that was huge, 'cuz it was WAY passed my bedtime...ha ha ha). Anyway, I of course, own each of the movies, and have watched them multiple times. At this point, I do need to point out that I have never attended a Trekkie convention, nor do I decorate my home in StarFleet issue decor. But I do enjoy me some Star Trek!

So, during a particularly thrilling episode of Voyager this summer, my partner turned to me and said "See! That's why you should never jump to conclusions!"

Ok. Wait a minute. Did he just draw a life lesson from Star Trek? Did he really just go there? Well, the fact of the matter is that he did. And I laughed. And I might have called him a "nerd" or a "dork". I don't remember. But I love the goofball nonetheless, and I promise to only bring up his deep philosophical awakening during the most opportune of moments ;)

But he had a point. During one of the movies, Picard is sharing an intimate moment with a woman who can slow time, and she talks about living in a perfect moment. When I came home from work today, I sat on the couch with my son in my lap and my partner snuggled up beside us. It was a perfect moment. And I lived in it. And I thought of the Star Trek movie.

I am a nerd. I am a dork. And I wouldn't change my life for anything. As I look to the future, I can only quote the immortal Picard....."Engage!".

Eeek. Maybe that was too much. But you get the picture *grin*


OHmommy said...

Heehee... I have a smiliar post today. No, I am not a Star Trek kinda of gal. Never watched it either. :)

I had a perfect moment looking at my Christmas tree. Boy how holidays have changed having children.

BTW... my husband and I are thinking about hosting an impromtu "ugly Christmas sweater" happy hour for our friends. We need to have someone over to check out our decorations. Thanks for the idea.

Monica said...

Wow. You are my husband. That $150 series appeared on his wish list this Christmas and his exact quote was "just watch ONE episode with me." It'll never happen. But he can always hold on to hope.

Anonymous said...

My allegiance lies with Star Wars. You are lucky I am entertained by this blog. Otherwise, I might just "beam my ass outta here" as you guys might say.
(Yes, I have been to a Star Wars convention. No, I didn't dress up! yet.)

Johnny said...

I am so not a Trekkie, but I will still read your posts !!!!